Now Available: CHDS 5. Unpublished Bo-Fragments in Transliteration IV (Bo 2689–Bo 5660)

The ISAC Publications department announces that CHDS 5. Unpublished Bo-Fragments in Transliteration IV (Bo 2689–Bo 5660) by Oğuz Soysal and İsmet Aykut is now available for purchase and download.

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Now Available: LAMINE 5. The Capture of Jerusalem by the Persians

The ISAC Publications department announces that LAMINE 5. The Capture of Jerusalem by the Persians in 614 CE by Strategius of Mar Saba, by Sean W. Anthony and Stehpen J. Shoemaker is now available for purchase and download.

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Postdoctoral Researcher at the Tablet Collection

The Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures and the Department of Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Chicago invites applications for Postdoctoral Researcher at the Rank of Instructor at the Tablet Collection.

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Job Posting: Assistant Professor in Hittitology

Position Description

The Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures and the Department of Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Chicago invite applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor in Hittitology, with an anticipated start date of July 1, 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. Applications are invited from scholars with a research focus in Hittitology.

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Now Available: ISACMP 2. Chicago on the Nile

The ISAC Publications department announces that ISAMP 2. Chicago on the Nile, by Emily Teeter is now available for purchase and download.

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Now Available: SAC 3. A Master of Secrets in the Chamber of Darkness

The ISAC Publications department announces that SAC 3. A Master of Secrets in the Chamber of Darkness: Egyptological Studies in Honor of Robert K. Ritner Presented on the Occasion of His Sixty-Eighth Birthday, is now available for purchase and download.

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CAMEL Residency Program Call for Applicants 2024-2025

The Center for Ancient Middle Eastern Landscapes (CAMEL) is accepting applicants for the 2024-2025 residency program. Application review will begin on September 15th.

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Now Available: CHDS 4. Unpublished Bo-Fragments in Transliteration III (Bo 6087–Bo 6434)

The ISAC Publications department announces that CHDS 4. Unpublished Bo-Fragments in Transliteration III (Bo 6087–Bo 6434) by Oğuz Soysal, is now available for purchase and download.

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Now Available: ISACP 1. Medinet Habu X

The ISAC Publications department announces that ISACP 1. Medinet Habu X. The Eighteenth Dynasty Temple, Part II: The Façade, Pillars, and Architrave Inscriptions of the Thutmosid Peripteros, is now available for purchase and download.

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Now Available: LAMINE 4. An Armenian Futūḥ Narrative

The ISAC Publications department announces that LAMINE 4. An Armenian Futūḥ Narrative, by Sergio La Porta and Alison M. Vacca, is now available for purchase and download.

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