Lecture by Robert Ritner on "The Scorpion Wives of Horus" from October 9, 1996

A lecture by Robert Ritner on "Seven Brides with Seven Stingers: The Scorpion Wives of Horus" from October 16, 1975, has recently been digitized and posted online as part of an ongoing archival digitization project by Anne Flannery and Foy Scalf to make available audio cassette recordings of past Oriental Institute lectures.

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Oriental Institute Oral History Project Launches First Interview with Archivist John Larson

The Oriental Institute has recently launched an Oral History Project to collect and preserve information about the Institute, its history, its population, and their experiences. Oral traditions represent a unique perspective on institutional history rarely captured by conventional research and publication methods. The inaugural interview with John Larson, recently retired Oriental Institute Archivist of 36 years, is now available online.

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Lecture by Michael Jursa on "Babylonian Priests in the Late Period"

Michael Jursa will give a lecturea bout "Purity, Segregation and a Literature to Match: Babylonian Priests in the Late Period" on Thursday, February 2, 2017, at 4:00 PM in the LaSalle Banks room of the Oriental Institute.

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Lecture by Kiersten Neumann on "Photographs of Persepolis"

Kiersten Neumann will give a lecture about "Photographs of Persepolis: Their Past, Present, and Future" on Thursday, January 19, 2017, at 7:30 PM at the Marie Irwin Community Center in Homewood, IL.

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Lecture by Nadine Moeller and Gregory Marouard on "The Two Sister-Sites of Tell Edfu and Dendara"

Nadine Moeller and Gregory Marouard will give a lectured about "The Origins of Two Provincial Capitals in Upper Egypt: The Two Sister-Sites of Tell Edfu and Dendara" on Wednesday, January 4, 2016, in Breasted Hall of the Oriental Institute.

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Lecture by Megaera Lorenz on "The Royal Kinship Title 'King's Son of His Body'"

Megaera Lorenz will give a lecture about "The Royal Kinship Title 'King's Son of His Body'" on Saturday, January 7, 2017, at 5:00 PM in the LaSalle Banks room of the Oriental Institute.

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Lecture by Kent Flannery on "Jarmo's Legacy" from November 15, 1982

A lecture by Kent Flannery on "Jarmo's Legacy" from November 15, 1982, has recently been digitized and posted online as part of an ongoing archival digitization project by Anne Flannery and Foy Scalf to make available audio cassette recordings of past Oriental Institute lectures.

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New Online Repository of Maps and Geospatial Data for the Middle East

The Center for Ancient Middle Eastern Landscapes (CAMEL Lab) at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago would like to announce that a substantial subset of its digital holdings of maps and geospatial data are now available for online public search and download.

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Lecture by Samuel Kramer on "The Sumerian Woman" from October 16, 1975

A lecture by Samuel Noah Kramer on "The Sumerian Woman" from October 16, 1975, has recently been digitized and posted online as part of an ongoing archival digitization project by Anne Flannery and Foy Scalf to make available audio cassette recordings of past Oriental Institute lectures.

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Lecture by Irene Winter on "Monuments and Politics in Ancient Mesopotamia"

Dr. Irene Winter, Harvard University, will give a lecture about "The Stela and the State: Monuments and Politics in Ancient Mesopotamia" on Wednesday, November 30, 2016, at 7:00 PM in Breasted Hall of the Oriental Institute.

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