Tell Judaidah is one of the largest ancient sites in the Amuq. Standing over 30 meters high, there was settlement at the site ranging from the Neolithic (6000 BC) through the Byzantine Period. The long occupational sequence at Tell Judaidah is what originally attracted Robert Braidwood and the Oriental Institute team to the site in the 1930s. Their excavations at the site were crucial in establishing the cultural sequence of the Amuq. Tell Judaidah is also well known as the findspot of a cache of poly-metallic figurines from the late Chalcolithic (4500 BC). The figurines are the oldest known tin bronzes in the world.
In 1995, the Amuq Survey team returned to Tell Judaidah in order to inspect recent bulldozer cuts along the northern and northeastern skirts of the mound. In some areas, substantial mud brick architecture had been exposed. The sections were cleaned and drawn, and a brief sounding was dug as well. For results of the 1995 season, see the recent and forthcoming publications.