1. Erich F. Schmidt, Persepolis I: Structures, Reliets, lnscriptions . OlP LXVlll, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1953), p.63.

2. Alexander Langsdorff and Donald E. McCown, Tall-i-Bakun A, Season of 1932 , OIP LIX (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1942), p.37.

3. After the departure of the Persepolis Expedition, the Iranian Antiquity Service continued excavating on the Persepolis Terrace. The structures they found, prior to 1953, are included on the reconstructed plan of the Persepolis Terrace, and are indicated by broken lines. In 1964, preserving and restoring of the monuments were entrusted to the Italian Institute of the Middle and Far East, Rome. A report of their work (Ann Britt Tilia, Studies and Restoration at Persepolis and Other Sites in Fars [Rome, 1972]) adds significantly to our knowledge of the structures on the Persepolis Terrace.

4. Ernst Herzfeld, A New Inscription of Xerxes from Persepolis , SAOC No. 5 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1932), p. 5.

5. For example, Père Antoine Poidebard's aerial survey of Roman walls in Syria; Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh's and Alfred V. Kidder's discovery from the air of Maya ruins in Central America.

6. Erich F. Schmidt, Flights over Ancient Cities of Iran , Special Publication of the Oriental Institute (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1940), p. 5.

7. Erich F. Schmidt, Flights over Ancient Cities of Iran , Special Publication of the Oriental Institute (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1940), p. 7.