The Harem, where the royal ladies lived, was constructed in an L-shaped form. The main wing was oriented north-south; the west wing extended westward from the southern portion of the main wing.
The nucleus of the main wing was a large centrally placed columned hall with a portico facing a spacious courtyard on the north. The hall had four doorways whose jambs were decorated with reliefs. On the jambs of the southern doorway Xerxes is depicted entering the hall. He is followed by two attendants; one is carrying a fly whisk and the other is holding a parasol over the king’s head. On the jamb of the eastern doorway there is a relief showing Xerxes fighting a lion-headed monster. The reliefs on the western doorway show the king in combat with a lion. The queen’s quarters are not definitely known, but this impressive central section was probably reserved for her and her retinue.
South of the columned hall, the main wing contained six apartments arranged in two rows. Each apartment consisted of a large pillared room and one or sometimes two smaller rooms. The west wing contained sixteen additional apartments, similarly laid out.
In addition to the access from the Council Hall to the northern part of the main wing of the Harem, two stairways connected the west wing with the Palace of Xerxes. There were also two exits to courtyards or enclosed gardens. A third exit at the eastern end of the western wing may have led to an open area or perhaps to an enclosed area whose limits have been destroyed.
The main wing of the Harem was excavated and restored by Herzfeld. A large part of the building, besides serving as living quarters for the expedition staff, was converted into workrooms, where the cleaning, labeling, and restoring of objects were undertaken. Finally, the front of the Harem was restored and made into a museum to display some of the objects found at Persepolis.
- Harem of Xerxes, W and S Facades of the Main Wing, Restored, with the Excavated Treasury in the Foreground, P 59069
- Harem of Xerxes, W End of W Wing, at the Start of Work, P 59144
- Harem of Xerxes, Excavation of Service Quarters in Main Wing, with Xerxes’ Palace in the Background, P 57891
- Harem of Xerxes, Service Quarters after Excavation, with Throne Hall in the Left Background, P 58157
- Harem of Xerxes, W Portion of W Wing, Corridor 7 and SW Stairs of Xerxes’ Palace, P 60822
- Harem of Xerxes, Portico after the Re-erection of Its Stone Parts, P 24726
- Harem of Xerxes, King and Attendants on N Doorway of the Main Hall, E Jamb, P 57861
- Harem of Xerxes, Close-up of Two Attendants on N Doorway of the Main Hall, E Jamb, P 57862; See P 57861
- Harem of Xerxes, Hero’s Combat with Horned Lion-Headed Monster on S Jamb of E Doorway of the Main Hall, P 60722
- Harem of Xerxes, Achaemenid Stone Door Socket, Decorated with the Relief of a Rosette, P 23103
- Harem of Xerxes, Restored N Facade beyond the Excavated Service Quarters, P 58158
- Harem of Xerxes, Restored N Facade, P 24789
- Harem of Xerxes, Istakhr Pottery Finds Being Restored in the Expedition House (the Restored Harem), P 58149
- Harem of Xerxes, Restoring Antiquities in the Expedition House (the Restored Harem), P 58148
- Harem of Xerxes, Restored Wooden Column Shafts, NW Corner Showing the Restored Wooden Door, P 24798