Journey to Jordan - Archaeological Heritage of an Ancient Land 2017
October 6-18, 2017
Led by Dr. Yorke Rowan, Senior Research Associate, Oriental Institute
The Oriental Institute is pleased to present a comprehensive tour of Jordan. Situated at the crossroads of cultures, Jordan is among the most historically rich areas in the world and is home to five UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
- Go on an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour of the American Center for Oriental Research (ACOR) in Amman, followed by a special dinner at the home of ACOR Director Barbara Porter.
- Spend a day touring the ancient Greco-Roman ruins of Jerash, including the 2nd-century Hadrian’s Arch, the Temple of Artemis, and the Forum’s oval colonnade.
- Visit the Castles of the Eastern Desert.
- Take an expedition to the otherwise inaccessible archaeological site of Wadi al-Qattafi in the "Black Desert" with excavation director Dr.Yorke Rowan.
- Tour the Neolithic archaeological site of Beidha
- View the exquisite Byzantine-era mosaics in the bustling market town of Madaba.
- Experience mysterious Wadi Rum, where T. E. Lawrence camped during the Arab Revolt of 1917-18.
- Explore the wondrous ruins of Petra, the rock-cut "Rose City."
A brochure will be available shortly for download.
To book this trip, contact Archaeological Tours at 866.740.5130 or email