The Dead Sea Scrolls Project was established by the Oriental Institute during the months that followed the freeing of the scrolls (autumn 1991). The project was originally staffed by Dr. Norman Golb, Professor of Jewish History and Civilization, Dr. Michael Wise, Assistant Professor of Aramaic, as well as by our graduate research assistant, Anthony Tomasino.
From the beginning the project developed in several directions. First and foremost, there was the challenging task of deciphering and translating, from photographs, the manuscripts from Qumran Cave Four that had previously remained unpublished. Another aspect has been to explore the overall problem of identification of the authors of the scrolls and, increasingly, to examine the specifics of the Khirbet Qumran site and the theory that the manuscripts found in the nearby caves were composed by a sect ostensibly living there.
- 2013: The Current Exhibit (2012-2013) At The Cincinatti Museum Center Touching on The Dead Sea Scrolls
- 2013: Aspects Of The Roles Of Truth And Fiction In The Current Struggle Over The Meaning Of The Dead Sea Scrolls.
- 2012: Les Juifs de Rouen au Moyen Âge d'après les sources médiévales
- 2011: The Caliph's Favorite - New Light from Manuscript Sources on Hasdai ibn Shaprut of Cordova
- 2011: Recent Scroll Exhibits And The Decline Of Qumranology
- 2011: Jewish Proselytism - A Phenomenon In The Religious History Of Early Medieval Europe. A paper presented at the Tenth Annual Rabbi Louis Feinberg Memorial Lecture, March 3, 1987, at the University of Cincinnati.
- 2011: The Caliph's Favorite - New Light from Manuscript Sources on Hasdai ibn Shaprut of Cordova
- 2011: The Role of Personality in the Transfer of Scientific and Philosophical Knowledge from the Eastern Caliphate Westward
- 2011: The Rabbinic Master Jacob Tam and Events of the Second Crusade at Reims
- 2011: The "Qumran Sect" Revindicated?
- 2010: The Confidential Letter Composed By Prof. Lawrence Schiffman Of New York University: A Response
- 2010: The Mystery of National Geographic's "Dead Sea Scrolls Mystery Solved?"
- 2010: Further Evidence Concerning Judah b. Solomon And The 'Tower Of Las Metamis' Mentioned In MS de Rossi 1105
- 2010: On The Current Exhibit Of Dead Sea Scrolls At The Milwaukee Public Museum
- 2009: Observations On The Bipolar Theory Of So-Called "Qumran Spellings"
- 2009: The Messianic Pretender Solomon Ibn Al Ruji And His Son Menahem (The So-Called "David Alroy")
- 2009: The Autograph Memoirs Of Obadiah The Proselyte Of Oppido Lucano
- 2009 Article: On the Jerusalem Origin of the Dead Sea Scrolls
- 2008 Article: A Readers' Guide To The Current New York Exhibition Of The Dead Sea Scrolls
- 2008 Article: A New Wrinkle in the Qumran “Yahad” Theory (English)
- 2008 Article: A New Wrinkle in the Qumran “Yahad” Theory (French)
- 2007: The Home of the Hebrew Scribe of MS Parma de Rossi 1105
- 2007 Article: “The Dead Sea Scrolls As Treated In A Recently Published Catalogue”
- 2007 Article: “Observations on the Ancient Tunnel Recently Discovered in Jerusalem”
- 2007 Article: “Fact And Fiction In Current Exhibitions Of The Dead Sea Scrolls – A Critical Notebook for Viewers”
- 2007 Article: The Qumran-Essene Theory And Recent Strategies Employed In Its Defense
- 2006 Article: The Dead Sea Scrolls at Seattle’s Pacific Science Center
- 2002 Article: The De Rossi Collection Of Hebrew Manuscripts At The Biblioteca Palatina In Parma And Its Importance For Jewish History
- 2001 Article: Exposition Permanente Sur L’histoire Et La Culture Des Juifs De Normandie Au Moyen Age
- 2000 Article: The Current Controversy Over The Dead Sea Scrolls, With Special Reference To The Field Museum Exhibition
- 2000 Article: As The Scrolls Arrive In Chicago…
- 2000 Article: Small texts, big questions…
- 2000 Article: Is A Tannaitic Master Referred To By Name In The Simeon Ben Kosiba Papyri?
- 1998 Article: Qadmoniot And The “Yahad” Claim
- 1994: The M. H. De Young Memorial Museum (San Francisco) Exhibition Of The Dead Sea Scrolls (February 26-May 29, 1994) - A Response
- 1994 article: Museum Exhibitions Intensify Controversy Over Dead Sea Scrolls
- 1993 Article: Methods Of Investigation Of The Dead Sea Scrolls And The Khirbet Qumran Site - A Conference Report