METEOR (Middle Egyptian Text Editions for On-line Research) is the acronym given to the annotated Middle Egyptian Readingbook project that is part of Casting a Wider Net: Multimedia Coursework for Teaching and Learning, a Consortium for Institutional Cooperation project funded by the Mellon Foundation. As noted last year, the Readingbook project aims to produce an annotated, interactive Readingbook for students of classical Middle Egyptian. A selection of texts representing many of the genres of preserved Middle Egyptian materials has been entered into the computer together with grammatical and lexical analyses. Students are able to select a text and work through the text, sentence by sentence, practicing reading the hieroglyphs and transliterating and translating the text. A click of a button brings help with reading signs, understanding grammar, or finding vocabulary. Extensive graphics illustrate Egypt, the areas where individual texts were discovered, items mentioned in the texts, and, to the extent possible, the actual individuals mentioned in the texts being read. The Readingbook is intended to serve as a classroom aid, but it should also be possible for individuals to use it as a stand-alone teaching aid in learning, or reviewing, Middle Egyptian. It may eventually be published as a CD-ROM or DVD.