SAOC 14. Hittite Hieroglyphs 2 Ignace J. Gelb

Gelb's booklet is devoted in the main to the reading of the phonetic signs, while ideograms are for the most part left on one side. It contains a complete bibliography in continuation of that given in Part I [see SAOC 2] and "General Observations" as to the character of the writing on pp. 1-12, while a short explanation of the values which are attributed to the fifty-seven signs tabulated in the frontispiece is given on pp. 12-36. [From a review by Leonie Zuntz in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (1936) 376-78]
- Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization 14
- Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1935
- Pp. xx + 37; 2 figures
- 7.00 x 9.50 in.
- Out of Print