OIP 42.

Megiddo 1. Seasons of 1925-34: Strata I-V.
Robert S. Lamon and Geoffrey M. Shipton.
Strata I-V represent the latest domestic occupations of the mound, during the Middle and Late Iron periods. The architectural remains, including stables of Solomon, are fully discussed and illustrated. The various types of pottery, with references to parallels from other sites, are dealt with by Shipton. Other types of objects are fully illustrated, and a complete register of finds is given.
- Oriental Institute Publications 42
- Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1939
- ISBN: 0-226-14233-7
- Pp. xxii + 182; color frontispiece; 10 figures; 3 tables; 199 plates
- Hardbound 9 x 11.75 inches