OIP 69. Persepolis II: Contents of the Treasury and Other Discoveries Erich F. Schmidt, with contributions by Sydney P. Noe et al., Frederick R. Matson, Lawrence J. Howell, and Louisa Bellinger
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Persepolis II concludes the report on many seasons of excavations (1935–1939) at the site and is the first publication to adequately illustrate and discuss the pottery of the period, an essential addition to Achaemenian archaeological studies. Persepolis II mainly deals with the minor antiquities recovered from the Treasury. Nevertheless, authentic objects of foreign manufacture provide material of far wider cosmopolitan interest to the archaeologist. Trophies of war, and tribute from the satrapies of the Empire collected by successive generations of Achaemenid kings, formed a large part of the contents of royal treasure houses.
- Oriental Institute Publications 69
- Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1957
- ISBN: 978-1-885923-72-1
- Pp. xx + 166; 29 figures, 89 plates
- Folio 12 x 16 in
- $125.00