OIP 79. Soundings at Tell Fakhariyah C. W. McEwan, L. S. Braidwood, H. Frankfort, H. G. Güterbock, R. C. Haines, H. J. Kantor, and C. H. Kraeling
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An imposing array of scholars have united to pay a debt of piety to the late C. W. McEwan, whose untimely death in 1950 forestalled the publication of his campaign at Tell Fakhariyah, which took place in 1940. That the important results obtained by McEwan have thus been rescued is greatly to the credit of the editor and director of the Oriental Institute, Carl H. Kraeling, and the architect R. C. Haines, who prepared for publication the highly competent but necessarily incomplete topographic and architectural data assembled in the field by the late Harold D. Hill. In 1955 and 1956 additional soundings were undertaken at Tell Fakhariyah by a German expedition. Their reports, which Donald P. Hansen kindly brought to my attention, must be consulted together with the volume under review. Cf. A. Moortgat, AOF 17 (1956) 429–31; 18 (1957) 180–83; id., Archäologische Forschungen der Max Freiherr von Oppenheim-Stiftung im nördlichen Mesopotamien(= Arbeitsgemeinschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Abh. 62) (Cologne 1956).
- Oriental Institute Publications 79
- Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1957
- ISBN 0-226-07944-9
- Pp. xvii + 103; 87 plates
- Clothbound 9 x 11.75 in / 23 x 30 cm
- $50.00