Special Publications Aqaba: “Port of Palestine on the China Sea” D. Whitcomb.

The Oriental Institute excavations at Aqaba, Jordan, have uncovered the great medieval port of Ayla, with occupation stretching from the seventh through eleventh centuries. This booklet was produced after the major 1987 season, which discovered the city gates and extensive evidence of Indian Ocean trade. Artifacts illustrated in this booklet were part of an exhibit in the Oriental Institute and are now on permanent display in the new museum in Aqaba.
- Aqaba: “Port of Palestine on the China Sea”
- Amman, Jordan: Economic Press Co., 1988
- Pp. 28, 2 maps, 19 plates, 6 figures
- Paperbound 5.25 x 7.75 in / 14 x 20 cm
- $3.00