Prehistoric Research in Southeastern Anatolia -- Guneydogu Anadolu Tarihoncesi Arastirmalari Halet Cambel and Robert J. Braidwood

This volume is a result of the work of the Istanbul and Chicago Universities' Joint Prehistoric Research Project in southeastern Anatolia. It is made up of a set of papers and of preliminary or final reports on the various aspects of the research as they were completed by various authors. It goes without saying that in an interdisciplinary effort of this type it is natural that, though common grounds are sought and found, there may occur differences in opinion or interpretation. Volume is written in both Turkish and English. [Adopted from the “Preface” by H. Cambel and R. J. Braidwood.]
- Prehistoric Research in Southeastern Anatolia 1
- Istanbul: Edebiyat Fakultesi Basimevi, 1980
- Pp. xv + 327; 49 illustrations; 25 tables
- Out of Print