Temple of Amun at Karnak

The enormous ruin field of Karnak consists of several connected enclosures, each containing a number of temples. In the center is the great Amun temple complex, with its intersecting avenues of courts and pylons. This view of the Temple of Amun looks westward from the entrance of the fourth pylon through the central aisle of the great Hypostyle Hall, whose roof slabs were supported by one hundred thirty-six columns. The obelisk in the foreground is that of Thutmosis I. The tips of obelisks, and at times even portions of their sides, were originally sheathed in polished metal, reflecting the rays of the sun. Erected by pharaohs of the New Kingdom (c. 1560-1085 B.C.), this monumental processional avenue witnessed numerous alterations and renovations down through the Roman period--as well as the disastrous sack of Karnak by plundering Assyrian armies in 663 B.C.
- Silver gelatin on glass
- 29 x 40 cm
- $465.00