AS 11. The Sumerian King List Thorkild Jacobsen
The incentive to the studies here presented was furnished by the excavations of the Oriental Institute at Tell Asmar. When in the season of 1931/32 we opened up strata of Agade and Early Dynastic times, the chronology of these periods naturally occupied our thoughts greatly, and the author felt prompted to resume earlier, more perfunctory studies of the Sumerian King List. The main ideas embodied in the present work took shape that season in the evenings, after days spent in the houses and among the remains of the periods with which the King List deals. The detailed working-out and repeated testing of these ideas have occupied much of the author's time in the years since then. He releases them — although he feels that they will continue to occupy his thoughts for a long time yet — in the sincere hope that they will prove fruitful to other workers in this field and contribute toward better understanding of the innumerable chronological problems which still await solution. [from the preface]
- Assyriological Studies 11
- Chicago: University of Chricago Press, 1939
- Pp. xvi + 216; 1 plate, 2 tables
- Out of Print