AS 7. The Chicago Syllabary and the Louvre Syllabary AO 7661 Richard T. Hallock
Although syllabary texts have been known and used since the earliest days of cuneiform study, they have on the whole failed to receive the critical analysis in print which alone can derive all the information which they have to give. Of course, in the past, when scholars were fewer and the syllabary material less complete, it is entirely understandable that the syllabaries should have received rather superficial treatment. But in the present day we can and should go deeper. We need to discover and evaluate every scrap of evidence bearing on the origin and development of the syllabaries. In this volume, Hallock covers the syllabary AO 7661, which enabled the philological study to rise to a higher level of research. The first part deals with the description of the texts, the second part with the origin and development of the text, and the third with transliterations.
- Assyriological Studies 7
- Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1940
- Pp. xiv + 79; 10 plates
- Out of Print