MSKH 1. A Catalogue of Cuneiform Sources Pertaining to Specific Monarchs of the Kassite Dynasty J. A. Brinkman
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The Kassite kings (1595-1155 b.c.) reigned longer than any other dynasty in Babylonian history. From their time, more than twelve thousand cuneiform documents have survived. Less than ten percent of these have been published. This volume catalogues all dated texts of the dynasty, including extensive unpublished materials in museums in Asia, Europe, and North America. It also includes a comprehensive discussion of Kassite chronology, calendars, and date formulae and publishes two dozen texts with problematic or unusual dates. Future volumes in the series will offer a wide range of contents: catalogues, text editions, philological analyses, archival and prosopographical studies, discussions of archaeological materials, and preliminary syntheses of political and socioeconomic history. Volumes 2-4 are in an advanced stage of preparation.
- Materials and Studies for Kassite History 1
- Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 1977
- ISBN: 978-0-91-898600-9
- Pp. xxiv + 469; 11 plates
- Paperback 9 x 11.75 in / 23 x 30 cm
- $30.00