OIC 29. Catalog of Demotic Texts in the Brooklyn Museum George R. Hughes, with contributions by Brian P. Muhs and Steve Vinson
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This catalog is intended to be only a checklist of the Brooklyn Museum’s collection of 213 Demotic Egyptian texts. The catalog provides both the Museum and Demoticists generally with a list of all the pieces plus only such information as would make the list useful. It is not intended to be a complete publication of the texts with the usual full transliteration, translation, notes, and photographs or drawings. Rather, samples of each type of text (papyri, ostraca, inscribed stone and wooden pieces) are illustrated on the plates and only the more interesting passages in the texts are given in transliteration and translation. The book concludes with key word, name, title, and geographical name indices.
- Oriental Institute Communications 29
- Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 2005
- ISBN: 978-1-88-592327-1
- Pp. xix + 115; 48 plates (8 color)
- Paperback
- $75.00