OIP 57. Nuzi Personal Names Ignace J. Gelb, Pierre M. Purves, and Allan A. MacRae

In this volume all the published and many unpublished personal names found on tablets of the mid-second millennium B.C. from the ancient city of Nuzi have been assembled and organized into what it is hoped will be a useful tool for many phases of historical research. In the process better understanding of many of these names has been gained. The name list, with its comprehensive data on genealogies and professions, will permit assignment of the documentary sources to the successive generations concerned. With the attainment of this basic chronological perspective the progress of legal, economic, and social change will become traceable. [From OIP 57, "Foreword," p. ix, by T. George Allen]
- Oriental Institute Publications 57
- Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1943
- Pp. xviii + 324
- Out of Print