OIP 30. Researches in Anatolia 9. The Alishar Hüyük Seasons of 1930-1932, Part 3 Hans Henning von der Osten, with contributions by Wilton Marion Krogman and Others

In the first three chapters of this volume an effort has again been made to describe the finds as objectively as possible and to avoid letting the personal bias of the excavator obscure the facts. Of somewhat over 8,000 objects individually catalogued in 1930-32 (potsherds and burials are not included) more than 4,000 have been published in OIP 28-30, thus giving an adequate representation of the material. All complete pots, figurines, and glyptic objects are published.
The next four chapters tackle the non-ceramic finds: cranial types, animal remains, coins, and other special groups of finds. The final two chapters set Alishar in its geographical, historical, and cultural contexts.
This book was digitized as part of Stony Brook University's AMAR project by the Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text and Image at the University of Pennsylvania.
- Oriental Institute Publications 30
- Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1937
- pp. xxiv + 496; 289 figures, 20 maps, 15 plates, 9 tables
- Out of Print