SAOC 15. The Kurrah Papyri from Aphrodito in the Oriental Institute Written by Nabia Abbott

This volume presents five Arabic papyri from the collection of the Oriental Institute. All five come from the town of Aphrodito (modern Kum Ishḳaw) in Upper Egypt and derive from the archive of Ḳurrah ibn Sharik, who was appointed governor of Egypt in AD 709 during the Ummayyad period. In addition to providing a translation of the papyri, this volume includes a historical introduction to the study of Arabic papyri, a biographical sketch of Ḳurrah ibn Sharik, and a broader historical discussion of Byzantine Egypt, the Arab conquest of Egypt, and early forms of Arab administration.
- Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization 15
- Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1938
- Pp. xviii + 101; 4 plates, 2 figures
- Out of Print