SAOC 21. Hittite Hieroglyphs 3 Ignace J. Gelb

Hittite Hieroglyphs III is intended to complement Dr. Gelb’s Elements of Hieroglyphic Hittite. Appearing in the latter are many new readings and interpretations that could not be fully substantiated in a volume designed for the general public. The present volume represents the third installment of Dr. Gelb’s work on the decipherment of the Hittite hieroglyphic writing, but in addition it offers the first serious attempt at systematization of the whole syllabary. He believed that the time had come for all scholars working in this field to take a definite stand in relation to the main principles of Hittite hieroglyphic writing and accordingly to revise drastically their readings of individual signs. [From SAOC 21, "Preface," p. vii, by Gelb]
- Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization 21
- Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1942
- Pp. xix + 75; frontispiece
- 7.00 x 9.50 in.
- Out of Print