SAOC 42. The Road to Kadesh: A Historical Interpretation of the Battle Reliefs of King Sety I at Karnak. (Second Edition Revised) W. J. Murnane.

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An exploration of the significance of the wars of Sety I and of the general pattern of Egyptian-Hittite relations, which culminated first in the battle of Kadesh and finally in the treaty enacted during the reign of Ramesses II. The volume also serves as a useful companion to Reliefs and Inscriptions at Karnak, Volume 4: The Battle Reliefs of King Sety I, Oriental Institute Publications 107.
- Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization 42
- Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 1990
- ISBN 0-918986-67-2
- Pp. xvi + 157, 3 maps
- Paperbound 7 x 10 in / 18 x 25 cm
- Out of Print