SAOC 55. For His Ka: Essays Offered in Memory of Klaus Baer. D. P. Silverman, ed.

This volume was dedicated to the memory of Klaus Baer, Professor in the Oriental Institute for over twenty years. The contributors are colleagues and/or students of Professor Baer, and their articles reflect Professor Baer’s contributions to a variety of fields.
- Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization 55
- Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 1994
- ISBN 0-918986-93-1
- Pp. xxviii + 332, 75 figures, 7 plates
- Paperbound 9 x 11.75 in / 23 x 30 cm
- Out of Print
- Contributors and Contributions:
- J. P. Allen. “Pronominal Rhematization”
- E. Brovarski. “Abydos in the Old Kingdom and First Intermediate Period, Part II”
- E. Cruz-Uribe. “A Model for the Political Structure of Ancient Egypt”
- P. Der Manuelian. “The Giza Mastaba Niche and Full Frontal Figure of Redi-nes in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston”
- E. Doret. “Ankhtifi and the Description of His Tomb at Mo’alla”
- J. L. Foster. “Oriental Institute Ostracon 25346 (Ostracon Wilson 100)”
- R. Jasnow. “The Hieratic Wooden Tablet Varille”
- J. H. Johnson. “‘Annuity Contracts’ and Marriage”
- W. R. Johnson. “Honorific Figures of Amenhotep III in the Luxor Temple Colonnade Hall”
- C. A. Keller. “Speculations Concerning Interconnections Between the Royal Policy and Reputation of Ramesses IV”
- J. A. Larson. “Joseph Smith and Egyptology: An Early Episode in the History of American Speculation About Ancient Egypt, 1835-1844”
- L. H. Lesko. “Some Remarks on the Books of the Dead Composed for the High Priests Pinedjem I and II”
- W. J. Murnane. “Too Many High Priests? Once Again the Ptahmoses of Ancient Memphis”
- P. A. Piccione. “The Gaming Episode in the Tale of Setne Khamwas as Religious Metaphor”
- R. K. Ritner. “Denderite Temple Hierarchy and the Family of Theban High Priest Nebwenenef: Block Statue OIM 10729”
- A. M. Roth. “The Practical Economics of Tomb-Building in the Old Kingdom: A Visit to the Necropolis in a Carrying Chair”
- A. R. Schulman. “The First Dynasty Egyptian Presence at ‘En Besor in the Sinai”
- D. P. Silverman. “The Title WR BZT in the Tomb Chapel of K..(J)-PW-R’”
- E. Teeter. “Bronze Votive Offering Tables”
- C. C. Van Siclen III. “A Stela from Toulouse Re-examined”
- B. B. Williams. “Security and the Problem of the City in the Naqada Period”
- T. G. Wilfong. “The Egyptological Papers of Klaus Baer in the Oriental Institute Museum Archives”