The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago: Third Edition

The third edition of the Oriental Institute handbook (1931) introduces the reader to the field expeditions conducted in the Near East in the late 1920s and early 1930s. It also includes research conducted at home at the of publication. The field expeditions covered in this handbook are the Prehistoric Survey, the Sakkara Expedition, the Coffin Texts Project, the Abydos Expedition, the Theban Tomb Paintings, the Epigraphic Survey, the Iraq Expedition, the Anatolian Expedition, the Syrian Expedition, the Megiddo Expedition, and the Iranian Expedition. The home research projects covered in this volume are the Assyrian Dictionary, Old Testament Studies, Ancient Arabic Documents, the Peshitta Project, the Egyptian Book of the Dead, and the Demotic Dictionary.
- The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago: Third Edition
- Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1931
- Pp. 68; 61 illustrations, 1 map
- Out of Print