Over the years many student assistants have provided indispensable support for the Chicago Hittite Dictionary project. Our current assistants are the following graduate students:
- Antonio Cruz-Uribe
- Thalia Lysen
- Robert Marineau
Past student assistants are the following graduate students (both current and former):
- Joseph Baruffi, PhD
- Richard H. Beal, PhD, now associate editor of the CHD
- Scott Branting, PhD
- Dennis Campbell, PhD
- Josh Cannon
- Simrit Dhesi
- Barbara Knowles
- J. Gregory McMahon, PhD
- Kathleen Mineck
- George C. Moore
- Oya Topçuoğlu, PhD
- Ryan Schnell, MA
- Steve Thurston
- Margaret Schroeder
- Seunghee Yie (for the eCHD)
and the undergraduate students
- Phoebe Allardice
- Joanna Derman
- Jane Gordon
- Sabrina Hsieh
- Anna Maccourt