Teachers are the Institute of the Study of Ancient Cultures' vital partners in building and maintaining an informed and educated community. To recognize our shared goals and to support you in your important work, the museum is proud to offer discounted memberships for teachers of grades K-12.
A Teacher's Testimony:
"The Oriental Institute [now the Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures] is a teaching destination for me. It is a place where I find inspiration through workshops, seminars, and events while associating with a professional learning community. I never fail to come away refreshed and invigorated by the people and ideas I come in contact with. At the OI [now ISAC] I can focus on researching and selecting the perfect lesson plan, and sharpening up my own knowledge about a particular culture and its artifacts. I know my enthusiasm is infectious, as my students become excited as well." – Michele Nowak, Educator Pass subscriber
Benefits of Membership
Educator Pass members receive the benefits of Friends members and invitations to professional development programs.

Educator Resources
Optimize your students' learning experience with the Oriental Institute Museum collections & resources
Professional Development
Increase content knowledge, discover new resources, and swap stories when you attend professional development opportunities at the Oriental Institute.